
Happiness Defined .. !

Someone asks me, “How can you be so happy? Always? Won’t you have problems at all?”. Someone else asks me, “How come you are always happy without any worries? Don’t you have problems or do you always solve them? ” Personally, I find the first question to be silly . Second one is valid.

After all, I’m one amongst you .Why wouldn’t I have problems? Honestly, I don’t like to utter the word ‘problem’. It reflects pessimism. I’m a hardcore optimist. I always think positive and try to be positive . It’s not so easy to stay stable and cool, when things change their shape(=problem ). In the process of achieving a stable state of mind ,in either joy or depression, I’ve been learning a lot of things from nature and “society” . As someone said, “Journey is important, not the destination !”. Yes, I felt bad when things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to, which means I was expecting some result. So, I stopped expecting-simple, isn’t it? . If not stopping, at least, I’ve reduced my expectations. It might be tough but certainly worth it ! This is the reason why I’m always happy.

I always believed that each one of us have a purpose of existence. And I realised mine – ‘Be happy and make others happy’. Happiness is nothing more than having a good health and poor memory. I have both, to some extent !

•           Good health : As long as I’m physically & mentally healthy and on good terms with others

•           Poor Memory : This is the best part. I cannot remember good things and bad things as well.

Thanks to all who are good to me , you’ll get the same. And, thanks to all who aren’t good to me, you’ll also get the same .

P.S. (1) – Stable state of mind – Sthitha Prajna , yeah that’s me !

P.S. (2) – First ever blog post without smileys !!


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